Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day 2009

Today in celebration of Earth Day 2009, my children and I planted vegetables.

Mom planted Tomatoes (Red Lightning Hybrid)
13 yr old son planted Scallions (White Lisbon Bunching)
10 yr old daughter planted Radishes (Cherry Belle)
5 yr old son planted Carrots (Nantes Half Long)
2 yr old son planted Peppers (Kaleidoscope Mix)

All of us will be keeping an observation journal and taking photos of the progress.

Space is a limitation of ours so we created "greenhouses" using lasagna pans! We re-use disposable lasagna pans with the clear lids. Each different vegetable is sowed in peat pots and housed in its own pan. Each pan measures 13.38" L x 9.63" W x 2.88" D. Once the vegetables begin to sprout, they are moved to bigger terra cotta pots. This year, the tomatoes will be put into Topsy Turvy hanging planters.

Now since March, I have been growing 3 strawberry plants for the 1st time. Two of them are still looking promising. I am eagerly waiting for the weather to turn warmer so I can put them outside so the bees can do their pollinating.

While the fruits and vegetables are growing, I will be reading up on canning and preserving. We are going to be a family of 7 soon and food prices aren't going down.

We also made better sense of our recycling. Recycling cans, glass and plastic gives us a little extra pocket money. This year, our recycling money will hopefully be used to buy a Rosetta Stone language program.

Clothing and shoes are also recycled. With baby #5 on the way, I have been swapping clothing in and out of boxes. Someone is always growing out of something. If their is something that the children need and I don't have saved, we take a trip to the thrift store. We usually start in the basement were every item is 5 cents each. Then we work our way up to the main floor and make a bee line to the 25 cent rack. I can't tell you how many winter coats in excellent condition I have purchased that only needed buttons or zippers!!

The one thing that I wish we can do is composting. We just don't live in a place where that is possible.

One day, all our prayers will be answered. I look forward to the day that we have a space big enough to live comfortably off the land.

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